Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Still Life Self Portrait

• What exposure settings did you use for this photo (aperture, shutter, and ISO)?

• How do these objects represent you today? Be specific and use complete sentences.
These objects are my favorite things, I play the clarinet for 4 years, every day I use the computer, pen, and books.

• What is the best aspect/what do you like best about your image?
I like the charm bracelet that put on the top of the book.

• List at least two compositional elements that you used and why.
I use Rule of the thirds and bird's eyes in this photo because it would be more clear to see the object shapes, and the rule of the third is to let people focus on the object.

• What lighting source did you choose and why? How does it affect the mood/meaning of the image?
I choose the soft lighting because if I use the hard lighting, the light that on the clarinet would be reflected. 

• What could you improve upon?
I will put more object to shows myself, or use different compositional elements to show how differences they will be. 

• Ten years from now do you think you will choose the same objects? Why or why not?
Maybe I also will choose the same objects because these things to me are very important, they are indispensable for my life.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Aperture Exporation

f/16 1/60sec ISO 800 50mm

ISO 250 50MM F/22 1/60secISO 800 50mm f/4.2 1/125sec

When we have more wider aperture, there have more blur.
When we have higher number of the f/stop, there have smaller circle.

Focus Point Control

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Hanging or Suspended

  • What ISO, shutter and aperture (f/stop) did you use?
  • ISO: 100 f/3.5 1/25sec 24mm
  • What compositional element(s) did you choose? How did the compositional element(s) add to the meaning or purpose of the photograph?
  • I use the rule of thirds compositional element. I want people to focus on the person.
  • Do you think you were successful in translating your thoughts into a visual form? What aspects of the photograph lead you to this conclusion?
  • I think this photo is successful. I do want the balloon to be the focus point.
  • What would you do differently if you did it again?/What would make it better?
  • I would make the background more clear.