Thursday, January 24, 2019

Human in NDHSB

  • How did you match the scene from the magazine to the scene you photographed? Did you control the light, composition, etc? 
I choose a normal sense same as the magazine. I control the light and composition in the photo, the photo is very clear, and the photo focuses on her.
  • What question did you ask your model, and how does their response add to the photograph? 
I ask her about what is the happiest moment in her life. Her response adds to the photo shows she really love her parents and shows she really happy.
  • What do you like best about this photo?
I crop this photo, and it does look better after.
  • What would you do differently if you did it again?/What would make it better?
Maybe I can change another background, and more like the style of Humans of New York. 

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